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A wild card turned up goes to the next player. OK, now we are ready to go through the gameplay and learn how to play a Phase 10 card game! Make sure it will work smoothly so that you wont be distracted by ads in the middle of a game. If you opt for a Phase 10 app, you will only need a smartphone or tablet to play the game! Place the remaining deck face down in the center of the play area to become the draw pile. All remaining players score points against them, for cards still in their hands, as follows: Only the cards in a players hands are scored, not cards already laid down. A hit is made by putting a card directly on a Phase already laid down. Today, people from all over the world want to play Phase 10! According to Phase 10 rules, the official 10 Phases are: if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'unorules_com-banner-1','ezslot_5',362,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-unorules_com-banner-1-0');For those Phases which require more than 2 combinations, e.g. December 30, 2019. The remaining cards are placed in the center of the group to form the Draw Pile. 3. Once a player has played down their Phase and discarded the last card in their hand, the round ends. Phase 10 has sometimes been described by some as being too lengthy. Normally cards 1-9 will be worth 5 points, 10 to King 10 points, and jokers 25 points. It is said that Phase 10 comes in as number 2 after Uno as the best-selling card game in the USA. The winner of the hand and any other player who also completed their Phase, will advance to the next Phase for the next hand. In fact, if you can think of a Phase 10 twist, you can pull it off! If you are playing with 2 players, it is the non-dealer that starts. The best Phase 10 scoring application on the Market. There are 2 identical Reference cards (each listing the 10 Phases), and 24 x 4 numbered cards of Red, Blue, Green, and Yellow cards respectively (each color in two sets of numbers 1 to 12). The top card is flipped face up next to the pile to begin the game.